Ready to build epic decks and verify cards! What do you need assistance with today?
Features and Functions
Scryfall API > getAllSets(Returns a List object of all Sets on Scryfall):
Scryfall API > getSetByCode(Returns a Set with the given set code.): Returns a `Set` with the given set code. The code can be either the `code` or the `mtgo_code` for the set.
Scryfall API > getSetByTcgplayerId(Returns a Set with the given tcgplayer_id): Returns a `Set` with the given `tcgplayer_id`, also known as the `groupId` on [TCGplayerβs API](
Scryfall API > getSetById(Returns a Set with the given Scryfall id.): Returns a `Set` with the given Scryfall `id`.
Scryfall API > getAllCards: Returns a `List` object that contains all cards in Scryfallβs database. This method is paginated, returning 175 cards at a time. The cards are ordered roughly newest to oldest.
Scryfall API > searchCards: Returns a List object containing Cards found using a fulltext search string. This string supports the same [fulltext search system]( that the main site uses.
Scryfall API > Cards_GetNamed:
Scryfall API > Cards_Autocomplete:
Scryfall API > Cards_GetRandom:
Scryfall API > Cards_GetByMultiverseId:
Scryfall API > Cards_GetByMtgoId:
Scryfall API > Cards_GetByArenaId:
Scryfall API > Cards_GetByCodeByNumber:
Scryfall API > Cards_GetById:
Scryfall API > Rulings_GetByMultiverseId:
Scryfall API > Rulings_GetByMtgoId:
Scryfall API > Rulings_GetByCodeByNumberId:
Scryfall API > Rulings_GetById:
Scryfall API > Symbology_GetAll:
Scryfall API > Symbology_ParseMana:
Scryfall API > Catalog_GetCardNames:
Scryfall API > Catalog_GetWordBank:
Scryfall API > Catalog_GetCreatureTypes:
Scryfall API > Catalog_GetPlaneswalkerTypes:
Scryfall API > Catalog_GetLandTypes:
Scryfall API > Catalog_GetArtifactTypes:
Scryfall API > Catalog_GetEnchantmentTypes:
Scryfall API > Catalog_GetSpellTypes:
Scryfall API > Catalog_GetPowers:
Scryfall API > Catalog_GetToughnesses:
Scryfall API > Catalog_GetLoyalties:
Scryfall API > Catalog_GetWatermarks:
Scryfall API > BulkData_GetAll(Returns a List of all bulk data items on Scryfall.):
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