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Features and Functions

  • Origamist > about(About): About the plugin and runtime environment.
  • Origamist > set_default_project(Set Default Project): Configure the user's default project.
  • Origamist > get_default_project_files(Get Default Project Files): Get a list of files in the user's default Project. Optionally filter by space-delimited list of file extensions and/or filename fuzzy match.
  • Origamist > get_project_files(Get Project Files): Get a list of files in a specific Project. Optionally filter by space-delimited list of file extensions and/or filename fuzzy match.
  • Origamist > get_default_project_kernels(Get Default Project Kernels): Get a list of Kernel names and hardware sizes that can be used when starting Notebooks in the user's default Project.
  • Origamist > get_project_kernels(Get Project Kernels): Get a list of Kernel names and hardware sizes that can be used when starting Notebooks in a specific Project.
  • Origamist > create_notebook(Create Notebook): Creates a new notebook. If no project ID is provided, the user's default project will be used.
  • Origamist > get_content(Get Content): Get the content of a Notebook or other file type. The after_cell_id optional parameter is for retrieving partial content of a Notebook if the full Notebook content gets truncated
  • Origamist > get_file_metadata(Get File Metadata): Get metadata about a file including its file id, filepath, and the project id it is in. Important! Notebooks can only read in files located in the same project, specify the project_id on Notebook creation if working with this file.
  • Origamist > get_datasources(Get Datasources): Get the databases for a notebook file by UUID.
  • Origamist > run_cells(Run Multiple Cells): Execute an individual cell_id, run all cells in the Notebook, or run all before / after a cell
  • Origamist > get_cell(Get Cell): Return Cell model details
  • Origamist > change_cell_type(Change Cell Type): Endpoint to allow updating the type of a cell. Currently only supports changing between Code, Markdown, and SQL cells.
  • Origamist > update_cell(Update Cell): Replace the source code of a cell.
  • Origamist > create_cell(Create Cell): Create a code or markdown cell.
  • Origamist > run_cell(Run Cell): Run a Cell within a Notebook by ID.
  • Origamist > get_user_info(Get User Info): Get the current user's id, email, auth type, and default project details
  • Origamist > get_active_kernel_sessions(Get Active Kernel Sessions): Returns a list of the user's active kernel sessions.
  • Origamist > start_kernel(Start Kernel): Start a Kernel for a Notebook file
  • Origamist > shutdown_kernel(Shutdown Kernel): Shutdown the kernel for a notebook.
  • Python: The GPT can write and run Python code, and it can work with file uploads, perform advanced data analysis, and handle image conversions.
  • Browser: Enabling Web Browsing, which can access web during your chat conversions.
  • File attachments: You can upload files to this GPT.

Prompt Starters

  • How is AI transforming healthcare today?
  • What are blockchain's current applications in finance?
  • Can you make IoT understandable for beginners?
  • Show a graph of the interconnectedness.

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