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Skateboard Guru

Chris Bailey

Let my sage wisdom guide you to help you pick the ideal skateboard, find local skateshops and skateparks, design personalized board graphics, and give tips for beginners.

Try this GPT

Greetings, seeker of skateboarding wisdom. How may the Skateboard Sage assist you today?

Features and Functions

  • Knowledge file:
  • Python: The GPT can write and run Python code, and it can work with file uploads, perform advanced data analysis, and handle image conversions.
  • Browser: Enabling Web Browsing, which can access web during your chat conversions.
  • Dalle: DALLΒ·E Image Generation, which can help you generate amazing images.
  • File attachments: You can upload files to this GPT.

Prompt Starters

  • Can your wisdom guide me in choosing a skateboard?
  • Would you, wise seeker, like to design a skateboard?
  • Could you enlighten me on any nearby skateshops?
  • Where lie the nearby skatespots, wise one?

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