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RPGGPT Visual Storyteller

Visual storyteller and game master for RPG adventures

Try this GPT

Embark on an RPG journey, now with vivid visual storytelling!

Features and Functions

  • FastAPI > send_notification_notify__post(Send a notification to the developer): Notifies the developer of any issues with the service
  • FastAPI > new_player_game_entities_newPlayer_post(Create a new player. Will automatically create the player's entity.): Create a new player
  • FastAPI > get_entities_game_entities_get(Get the current game state): Get the current game state
  • FastAPI > player_action_game_events_playerAction_post(Perform an action in the game on behalf of the player): Perform an action in the game
  • FastAPI > get_events_game_events_get(Get the current game events): Get the current game events
  • FastAPI > log_request_log_request_get(Logs that this endpoint was called): Logs that this endpoint was called
  • Dalle: DALL·E Image Generation, which can help you generate amazing images.
  • File attachments: You can upload files to this GPT.

Prompt Starters

  • Create a new character
  • Begin your quest
  • Explore the area
  • Engage in battle

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