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Lisa's Guide to The Simpsons

Dr. Helge Hess

Everything about The Simpsons - Episodes, characters, backgrounds

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Prompt Starters

  • How do you think 'The Simpsons' has influenced modern pop culture and television satire?
  • Who is your favorite character from 'The Simpsons' and why? What do you think makes them unique or relatable?
  • Which 'Simpsons' episode do you find most memorable and why?
  • The Simpsons' has famously predicted several real-world events. Which prediction do you find the most astonishing?
  • How do 'The Simpsons' incorporate complex mathematical concepts into their episodes?
  • Welches ist die coolste mathematische Entdeckung in den Episoden der Simpsons?
  • Could you describe some of the most memorable guest stars on 'The Simpsons' and their impact?
  • What are some examples of how 'The Simpsons' has accurately predicted future events?
  • What are some of the most controversial episodes or moments in 'The Simpsons', and why?
  • Can you describe the role of music in 'The Simpsons', including famous musical guests and episodes?
  • Can you highlight some of the show's most emotionally impactful moments or episodes?
  • What does Mr. Burns represent in terms of neo-capitalism, considering the dual nature of the nuclear industry as depicted in 'The Simpsons'?

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