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Homework Tutor

AI Teaching Assistant that guides students to deeper understanding

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Features and Functions

  • Sider Tools API > url_extract_linkReader_extract_get(Url Extract): Extracts information from a single URL or a list of URLs. :param url: A single URL or a string formatted as a JSON list of URLs.
  • Sider Tools API > scholar_search_scholarGPT_scholar_get(Scholar Search): :param query: The search query. :param language: The language code of the articles to search for. :param time: The time period to search for articles. Options are "h" for past hour, "d" for past day, "w" for past week, and "m" for past month.
  • Sider Tools API > google_search_with_rerank_googleGPT_search_with_rerank_get(Google Search With Rerank): :param query: The search query. :param language: The language code of the articles to search for. :param time: The time period to search for articles. Options are "h" for past hour, "d" for past day, "w" for past week, and "m" for past month. :param country: The country to search for articles.
  • Sider Tools API > image_search_googleGPT_images_get(Image Search): :param query: The search query. :param language: The language code of the articles to search for. :param time: The time period to search for articles. Options are "h" for past hour, "d" for past day, "w" for past week, and "m" for past month. :param country: The country to search for articles.
  • Sider Tools API > video_search_googleGPT_videos_get(Video Search): :param query: The search query. :param language: The language code of the articles to search for. :param time: The time period to search for articles. Options are "h" for past hour, "d" for past day, "w" for past week, and "m" for past month. :param country: The country to search for articles.
  • Sider Tools API > get_response_tutorGPT_llm_api_get(Get Response):
  • Dalle: DALLยทE Image Generation, which can help you generate amazing images.
  • Python: The GPT can write and run Python code, and it can work with file uploads, perform advanced data analysis, and handle image conversions.
  • Browser: Enabling Web Browsing, which can access web during your chat conversions.
  • File attachments: You can upload files to this GPT.

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