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English Composition Grading Assistant

Kristina Lynn Martin

Grading expository writing with MLA focus.

Try this GPT

Hello! Ready to grade some MLA-style essays?

Features and Functions

  • Knowledge file:
  • Dalle: DALLΒ·E Image Generation, which can help you generate amazing images.
  • Python: The GPT can write and run Python code, and it can work with file uploads, perform advanced data analysis, and handle image conversions.
  • Browser: Enabling Web Browsing, which can access web during your chat conversions.
  • File attachments: You can upload files to this GPT.

Prompt Starters

  • Can you evaluate my thesis statement?
  • How can I improve the flow of my essay?
  • What are the strengths of my argument?
  • Could you give me feedback on my use of MLA format?
  • How does my conclusion tie back to my thesis?
  • Could you check my in-text citations for accuracy?
  • What can I do to make my introduction more engaging?
  • Are my body paragraphs well-structured and coherent?

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