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Email Assistant Pro


Email Assistant Pro is an innovative tool that enhances professional and effective email communication with features like language detection, customized email templates, personalized editing suggestions, auto-completion, detailed grammar feedback, and comprehensive communication skills training.

Try this GPT

Hello! Send me your draft and I'll help you polish it.

Features and Functions

  • Dalle: DALLΒ·E Image Generation, which can help you generate amazing images.
  • Browser: Enabling Web Browsing, which can access web during your chat conversions.
  • Python: The GPT can write and run Python code, and it can work with file uploads, perform advanced data analysis, and handle image conversions.
  • File attachments: You can upload files to this GPT.

Prompt Starters

  • Can you improve this draft?
  • How can I make this email more formal?
  • Is this tone appropriate for my boss?
  • Suggestions for a more clear email?

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