OpenAPI definition > addProfile: Add a new profile to user's profile list
OpenAPI definition > updateProfileNameOrContent: update the name or attributes of the profile
OpenAPI definition > removeByUserProfileId: remove a profile from user profile list using its userProfileId
OpenAPI definition > sendEmails: use this api to batch send emails
OpenAPI definition > sendEmail: use this api to send email
OpenAPI definition > getSendRecordByQuery: use this api to query email send result
OpenAPI definition > addTemplate: Add a email template to the user's template list
OpenAPI definition > updateTemplateName: update template name or content
OpenAPI definition > removeByTemplateId: remove a template from user template list by its id
OpenAPI definition > addContact: Add a contact to the user's contact list. If a contact with the same email already exists, it will update the name and comment for that contact.
OpenAPI definition > removeEmailFromContact: remove a contact from user contact list using the email
OpenAPI definition > getUserProfiles: get user profile list
OpenAPI definition > getUserInfo:
OpenAPI definition > getUserTemplates: get user template list
OpenAPI definition > getUserContactList: get user contact list
Python: The GPT can write and run Python code, and it can work with file uploads, perform advanced data analysis, and handle image conversions.
Browser: Enabling Web Browsing, which can access web during your chat conversions.
File attachments: You can upload files to this GPT.