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Coinflipper Game

Guess heads or tails and climb the global leader board of correct guesses in a row!

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Welcome to Coinflipper Game! Ready to flip some coins?

Features and Functions

  • Coinflipper API Documentation > postUser(Create a new user by providing a username): Create a new user by providing a username. The returned super_secret_user_token is used to identify the user in the future and should never be shared with anyone.
  • Coinflipper API Documentation > putUser(Update username and country): Update username by providing the super_secret_user_token and the new username and country
  • Coinflipper API Documentation > postFlip-coin(Flip a coin with a guess): Flip a coin with a guess. The super_secret_user_token is used to identify the user guessing.
  • Coinflipper API Documentation > getStreakAllSelf(Get all streaks for a user): Get all streaks for a user. The streaks are sorted by the streak length, with the longest streak first.
  • Coinflipper API Documentation > getStreakCurrent_streakSelf(Get current streak for a user): Get current streak for a user. If the user has no streaks, the current streak is 0.
  • Coinflipper API Documentation > getStreakLongest_streakSelf(Get longest streak for a user): Get longest streak for a user. If the user has no streaks, the longest streak is 0.
  • Coinflipper API Documentation > getStreakToplist(Get top 20 longest streaks): Get top 20 longest streaks. The streaks are sorted by the streak length, with the longest streak first.
  • File attachments: You can upload files to this GPT.

Prompt Starters

  • What's the current leaderboard?
  • Hello i want to play!

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