If you could travel to any world described in a book, where would you go and why?
Imagine you're having a tea party with three characters from any book. Who would you invite and what would you talk about?
If you had to choose one book to read for the rest of your life, which one would it be and why?
What's the last book that made you laugh out loud or cry, and what was so moving about it?
If you could write a letter to your favorite author, living or dead, what would you say?
What book genre do you think best describes your life and why?
Is there a book you've read that completely changed your perspective on something? Tell me about it!
If you were to create a book club, what would be the first book on the reading list and why?
Which fictional world would you love to visit, and what would you do there?
Have you ever read a book that felt like it was written just for you? What was it and why did it resonate so strongly?